Homemade Apple Cinnamon Dog BiscuitsTake advantage of Homemade Apple Cinnamon Dog Biscuits. These dog biscuits are fun to make and dogs love them! Ingredients for Homemade Apple Cinnamon Dog Biscuits: 1 package apple, dried 1 teaspoon Cinnamon -- (I usually just shake some in) 1 Tablespoon parsley, freeze-dried 1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder 1 cup ice water 1/2 cup Corn Oil 5 cups flour 1/2 cup powdered milk 2 large eggs 1 tablespoon corn oil Preparation for homemade Apple Cinnamon Dog Biscuits: Put the apples in a food processor so that pieces are small. Combine in a bowl all of the ingredients -- can add oil or water if dough is too dry. Using a rolling pin roll out dough to about 3/16" thick (can make thinner or thicker). Using a cookie cutter -- cut into shapes -- place on cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for approx 20 -25 minutes (until golden). NOTE: if you substitute corn meal just subtract about 3/4 cup from flour and add Corn meal. Homemade apple cinnamon dog biscuits are dog favorite! We hope you enjoy making them. Dog Biscuit Recipe - Take advantage of easy dog biscuit recipesalong with homemade dog treats and wonderful dog snacks. Enjoy our podcast for the latest dog treat recipes.
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