You Never Have to Have Any Dog Health ProblemsWhile any dog owner recognizes that there are certain chores that he must leave strictly to the veterinarian, he wants, at the same time, to be given at least some idea of the role he can play in preventing dog health problems. Below are a few tips owners can use to avoid problems common problems. Feeding Your Dog To Keep Optimum Health The basic principle to be understood in the feeding of dogs is that, with only minor variations, they have the same nutritive requirements as man. A dog apparently has less need for starches and its digestive juices do not handle fatty foods well. Thus, the dog`s meat should always be quite lean, otherwise it will commonly cause a stomach upset with symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea Most animals will get along perfectly well on dry or canned commercial dog foods. Great strides have been made in the improvement of commercial dog foods in recent years. Their formulae are specially prepared by trained scientists to meet all of the dog`s needs and the federal government, on the basis of careful experiment to furnish normal maintenance diets, guarantees all nationally known brands. This means that the dog can live its entire life without eating anything but dog food. While some companies will claim that their biscuits are a complete food and are often justified in their claim, most experts agree that the large majority of the biscuits that are manufactured serve best only as a supplementary food Caring For Your Pets Eyes To Prevent Illness In the general care of the eyes, the average dog owner can be advised to keep them clean. This can be done by washing them once a day with a lukewarm solution of boric acid (made by dissolving one teaspoonful of boric acid powder in a glass of hot water) or by the application of boric acid eye ointment direct to the eyeball. The care of any significant eye diseases is strictly a job for the veterinarian. For safety`s sake, any injury to the eye should be considered an emergency and the veterinarian should be contacted immediately. Professional attention should be given even to very mild eye irritations that do not readily respond to simple treatment with washings of boric acid solution or applications of boric acid eye ointment. How To Prevent Ear Ailments Proper ear hygiene consists in keeping the hair of the ear clean and thoroughly combed out, free from parasites at all times and in maintaining the cleanliness of the inside of the ear. To clean the inside of the ear, dampen a piece of absorbent cotton with alcohol, squeeze out the excess moisture and clean out all the accumulated scurf as far down into the ear as the finger can conveniently reach. Have no fear of doing damage to the inner ear, for the finger simply cannot penetrate that far. The cleaned surface should be dried with a piece of cotton. The next step is to put some boric acid powder on the back of a spoon handle or other convenient object and dump the powder into the ear. Then manipulate the ear so that the powder will penetrate as far into the ear canal as possible. After this is done to both ears, allow the animal to shake out the excess powder. If this procedure is followed about two or three times a week, it is very unlikely that the dog ever will be affected by the common ear ailments. Prevention Is The Best Cure By taking steps to avoid dog health problems, you are less likely to have to suffer the consequences of an ill pet. If you are concerned about your pet or notice any strange symptoms, you should consult your veterinarian immediately. Regular check ups will also help detect potential illness or health problems early. Check ups should be given about every 6 months. Discover The Secrets To Keeping Your Dog Happy, Fit And Healthy Because Your Best Friend`s Worth It FREE For A Limited Time http://doghealthproblems.org/
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